~ Yasmina

-Influencer and amazing mum of two beautiful kids.
"Honestly, can't believe she's asleep with no tears no fight no thing! I told her we're having a no-bottle party tomorrow and she's so excited. I can't believe it! Also, I used that thing you told me how you said to say "Okay Nina[her daughter] I love you, it's time for her now. Good night" and left! Firm but gentle!"

~ Helen

Amazing mum of two beautiful kids.
"Wow, Ruth. Mind Blown! We put Hannah down and didn't get a single protest from here. Not even one cry! She put herself to sleep for almost 4 hours! This is a kid that fought us tooth and nail until 11 pm last night and 9:00 pm every night before that for months. Thank you! You have absolutely no idea what a game changer you sharing your knowledge with us has been. THANK YOU!"

~ Yasmina

Amazing mum of two beautiful kids.

~ Helen

Amazing mum of two beautiful kids.

Listen to One of Our Success Stories: Real Parents, Real Results

Elena's Success Story
Ned's Success Story

~ Yasmina

"I’m so glad you’ve had so many mummas come to you. I’m so happy Noah has been sticking to routine and doing so well! Sleeping through the night and sleeping on the dot of 9:00 - 9:30 and 2:15”

~ Ani

“I am so much happier, I can’t believe I was functioning waking up every 40 Minutes. Ruth has changed my life!”

~ Amy

"She without a doubt exceeded my expeditions. She wasn't just like another sleep consultant that threw the text book at you. She took the time to see my parenting style, to see my daughters sleep styles, to pick at every factor to really get the best result. She had the empathy and compassion of a mother but the education and communication skills to teach you in the best way.”

~ Ilvie

“I And the moment I knew you were the right person for us is when I asked what package I should purchase and that I was happy to buy the most expensive one if you felt that would help.. and her reply was... I will recommend the one I will be able to sleep at night with. Genuine, honest, and sincere! Where do you even find people like this

~ Kate Norvall

“Good morning Ruth! My phone was broken for a while;e after we did our sleep training with Omar and I couldn't type on my phone so I wasn't able to get in contact. Just recently got it fixed & I thought I'd shoot you a message to let you know how we're going. Omar sleeps through the night! He is completely different boy when it comes to sleep. He looks forward to bedtime and I can now accurately read the signs to help with his sleep science and what he needs from me during the day to help. We are so grateful for all your work & want you to know you've changed the game for us. Thank you so much.!”

~ Thanida

“I feel so refreshed, I feel like I've finally found peace. Isaac is absolutely thriving, he is rolling over, he is crawling, he has two  bottom and top teeth yet through all of this his sleep was not disrupted at all. I fell a bit teary because without your help, I really think our family would have been stuck in a rut for a long time and my mental and physical health would have suffered. YOU are amazing. YOU are empowering. YOU are helping many lives. I have learnt so much from YOU. I wish you and your family all the best.”

~ Ani WA

“Ruth, you have been absolutely amazing. I can't express how grateful I am to have seen a post about you, you have changed my life. I thought there was something wrong and I felt like a horrible Mum. The sleep deprivation was affecting my mental health so much. You always validated my feelings & gave me so much confidence. I'm so so grateful to have found you. When I spoke to you four weeks ago, I thought getting four hours of sleep would be a dream. I thought this was all too good to be true. I thought I would be nursing a five-year-old to sleep one day. I would love to write you a review. Will do step 7 tonight!!”

 ~ Jenna 

“I absolutely agree. Babies need to learn sleep, just like how they need to learn everything! There's just so much different info about sleep. But if parents realised how important it is to go through all the steps their children will sleep better, grow better, eat better, and behave better. The benefits goes on and on.

Thank you Ruth for teaching me how to help my children sleep without crying method. ALL new parents need Ruth. Especially if you're lost, and you feel "there's no hope".

You have changed my life. So worth everything!!”

 ~ Jenna 

“Hey Ruth, it's been a while since I've been in touch. But I've told so many people about you and the amazing things you do for families.

Would you believe that Aly now at 22m naps about 1ish for as long as she wants (anywhere between 1.5-2 hrs) and sleeps from 8ish TTN. And even if she isn't tired she also to herself, has no complaints, and sleeps. Naps are almost instant sleeps. 

I cannot thank you enough. Even with my older one has gotten into a wonderful rhythm and they sleep so well in the same room together. Their relationship as sisters has bloomed too! All thanks to you.

Hubby and I  can use the time to catch up on work, or hang out together, and even snuck out for a late movie together

From where we started to where we are, it's worlds apart. Thank you thank you thank you!!”


“Thank you so much Ruth. It's so heartwarming to know your story, knowing that you really don't need to do this for an income you've got two boys, your husband is a doctor yet you are still working so hard to help so many families all over the world. I feel so refreshed, I feel like I've finally find peace. Isaac is absolutely thriving, he is rolling over, he is crawling, he has two bottom and top teeth yet through all of this his sleep was not disrupted at all. I feel a bit teary because without your help, I really think our family would have been stuck in a rut for a long time and my mental and physical health would have suffered.

YOU are amazing. YOU are empowering. YOU are helping many lives. I have learnt so much from YOU

I wish you and your family all the best!!”

 ~ Daisy

“Yes doing well Ruth! I have decided to stay at home and homeschool the kids. I used to resent motherhood, especially with the lack of sleep and constant night wakes. I can't thank you enough for helping me to settle Ed at night down and for giving me on motherhood. Now I enjoy it so much! !!”

 ~ Amelia

“Hi Ruth! Hope u are well. Just wanted to touch base and let you know that Dax is doing so so so well. I insisted at childcare he has adjusted. Slept 1hr15min yesterday and consistently sleeping through the night. Thank you so much! I just needed the Ruth Magic Touch!!”

Get Your Child to Sleep Through the Night Quickly and Easily Without Fuss, Tears, or Frustration

(From You or Your Child!)